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Wednesday, 5 November 2014

allen_and_overy_lecture_2014On Tuesday 5 November 2014 Mr Graham Vinter, General Counsel, BG Group plc (and ex-partner of Allen & Overy), delivered the 2014 Cambridge Private Law Centre Allen & Overy Annual Law Lecture entitled "The Trouble with Executives".

Mr Vinter described his experiences as a senior executive at BG Group plc, and shared his observations of the disparity in legal status between Non-Executive and Executive Directors, and those non-directorial senior executives in larger organisations who wield significant power and responsibility.  Comparing the corporate law approaches in the United States and Germany with the UK, Mr Vinter proposed statutory or regulatory changes to apply similar controls and accountability to senior executives, notwithstanding whether they be directors or non-directors.

The Cambridge Allen & Overy Lecture is an annual address delivered by a guest of the Cambridge Private Law Centre, and the event is sponsored by Allen & Overy.


A gallery of photographs from the event is available on Flickr (photographs by Nigel Luckhurst).

More information about this lecture, including other recorded formats

is available from the Private Law Centre website.


