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The Cambridge Freshfields Lecture is an annual address delivered by a guest of the Cambridge Private Law Centre, and the event is sponsored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer.


2024: 'Re-imagining the Express Trust' - Professor Lusina Ho

The 2024 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled "Re-imagining the Express Trust" was delivered by Professor Lusina Ho (University of Hong Kong) on 23 February 2024.




A gallery of photographs from the event is available on the Faculty of Law's Flickr Photostream, and a slideshow is displayed below:

Freshfields Lecture 2024


A transcript of the lecture is available to download.

2023: 'Constitutional values in the common law of obligations' - Lord Philip Sales

The 2023 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled "Constitutional values in the common law of obligations" was delivered by Lord Philip Sales on 10 March 2023.




A gallery of photographs from the event is available on the Faculty of Law's Flickr Photostream, and a slideshow is displayed below:

Freshfields Lecture 2023


A transcript of the lecture is available to download.

2021: 'Modern Judging' - Dame Sarah Falk

The 2021 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled "Modern Judging" was delivered by Dame Sarah Falk on 16 November 2021.




A transcript of the lecture is available to download.


A gallery of photographs from the event is available on the Faculty of Law's Flickr Photostream, and a slideshow is displayed below:

Freshfields Lecture 2021

2020: 'Government by decree - Covid-19 and the Constitution' - Lord Sumption

The 2020 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled "Government by decree - Covid-19 and the Constitution" was delivered by Lord Sumption on 27 October 2020.


A transcript of the lecture is available to download.



Lord Sumption has also written Challenging Private Law: Lord Sumption on the Supreme Court (edited by W Day and S Worthington) (Hart Publishing 2020).

2019: 'Principle and Pragmatism in Developing Private Law' - Lady Brenda Hale

The 2019 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled "Principle and Pragmatism in Developing Private Law" was delivered by Lady Brenda Hale, President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, on 7 March 2019.


A transcript of the lecture is available to download.





A gallery of photographs from the event is available on the Faculty of Law's Flickr Photostream, and a slideshow is displayed below:

Freshfields Lecture 2019


2018: 'Rights, Wrongs, and Injustices: Taking Remedies Seriously' - Professor Stephen Smith

The 2018 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled "Rights, Wrongs, and Injustices: Taking Remedies Seriously" was delivered by Professor Stephen Smith, James McGill Professor of the Faculty of Law, McGill University, on 8 May 2018.


The slides of the lecture are available to download.




A gallery of photographs from the event is available on the Faculty of Law's Flickr Photostream, and a slideshow is displayed below:

Freshfields Lecture 2018


2017: 'Under threat? Safeguarding the future of English law and the English Courts after Brexit' - Anthony Parry

The 2017 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled "Under threat? Safeguarding the future of English law and the English Courts after Brexit" was delivered by Mr Anthony Parry, a Cambridge graduate, former Treasury Legal Adviser and now a consultant at Freshfields, on 28 February 2017.


A transcript of the lecture is available to download.




A gallery of photographs from the event is available on the Faculty of Law's Flickr Photostream, and a slideshow is displayed below:


Freshfields Lecture 2017

2016: 'Legal Obligations. Legal Revolutions' - Judge Michael Kirby

The 2016 Cambridge Freshfields Annual Law Lecture entitled "Legal Obligations. Legal Revolutions" was delivered by Judge Michael Kirby as part of the Obligations VIII conference.  


A transcript of the lecture is available to download.



2015: 'Constitutionalism and Private Law' - Lord Hoffmann

The 2015 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled "'Constitutionalism and Private Law" was delivered by Lord Hoffmann, Lord of Appeal in Ordinary from 1995 to 2009, on Thursday 29 January 2015.


A transcript of the lecture is available to download.




A gallery of photographs from the event is available on the Faculty of Law's Flickr Photostream, and a slideshow is displayed below:

Freshfields Lecture 2015

2014: 'The British and Europe' - Lord Neuberger

The inaugural 2014 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled "The British and Europe" was delivered by Lord Neuberger, President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, on Wednesday 12 February 2014.

The consequences of membership of the European Union and of the Council of Europe appear to involve disquiet and controversy in the United Kingdom, and perhaps particularly in England. In "The British and Europe", Lord Neuberger considers the question of why this is so, and contrasts the attitude in this country with that in other European countries. He examines the issue from various perspectives, including the geographical, historical, religious, cultural, constitutional and legal angles, and considers the implications for the future.


A transcript of the lecture is available to download.




A gallery of photographs from the event is available on the Faculty of Law's Flickr Photostream, and a slideshow is displayed below:

Freshfields Lecture 2014