TT Arvind (Newcastle, UK), 'Paradigms Lost or Paradigms Regained? Legal Revolutions and the Path of the Law'
Roderick Bagshaw (Oxford), 'The Constitutionalization of Private Law: Why Resist?'
Elise Bant (Melbourne), 'Remedies under Consumer Protection Statutes: Revolution and Evolution?' (with Jeannie Paterson) and Panel Discussion on Goff and Jones' The Law of Restitution
Katy Barnett (Melbourne), 'Attorney-General v Blake: Far from Revolutionary in Practice'
Shawn Bayern (Florida State), 'An American Revolution in Private Law: The Law and Economics Movement and its Failures'
Allan Beever (Auckland UT), 'Administrativism and the Conceptualisation of Private Law'
Francois du Bois (Leicester), 'A Public Revolution in Private Law?'
Michael Bryan (Melbourne), 'Maitland and the Unfinished Revolution in Equity'
Peter Cane (ANU), 'Tort Law and Government Liability in the Administrative State: Revolution and Evolution'
Erika Chamberlain (Western Ontario), 'Home Office v Dorset Yacht: A Revolution in Duty Methodology'
Niamh Connolly (TCD), 'Revolution or Evolution in the Common Law? Restitution and Invalid Contracts'
Tatiana Cutts (Birmingham), 'Modern Money Had and Received'
Paul S Davies (Oxford), 'Concurrent Liability: A Spluttering Revolution'
Larry DiMatteo (Florida), 'Unframing Legal Reasoning: Recurrent and Epochal Change'
Andrew Dyson (LSE), 'Reviving a Revolution: New Support for Hart & Honoré's Theory of Causation'
Matt Dyson (Cambridge), 'Foreman Good, to Judge Better: The Post-Revolutionary Effects of Losing the Civil Jury'
The Hon. Justice JamesEdelman (Federal Court of Australia) 'Hadley v Baxendale'
The Rt. Hon Sir Terence Etherton (Chancellor of the High Court) Panel Discussion on Goff and Jones' The Law of Restitution
James Fisher (Tokyo), 'Making Trusts Civilised: War, Revolution and the English Trust in Japan'
Mark Gergen (Berkley), 'Privacy, Privity, and Private Ordering'
Paula Giliker (Bristol), 'A Revolution in Vicarious Liability: Lister, the Catholic Child Welfare Society Case and Beyond'
Andrew Gold (De Paul), 'Fiduciary Law After the Law & Economics Revolution'
John CP Goldberg (Harvard), 'MacPherson at 100' (with Ben Zipursky)
Victor Goldberg (Columbia), 'Reckoning Contract Damages: Valuation of the Contract as an Asset'
James Goudkamp (Oxford), 'Private Law Scholarship and Empirical Methods: Contributory Negligence in the 21st Century' (with Donal Nolan)
Amy Goymour (Cambridge), Panel Discussion on Goff and Jones' The Law of Restitution
Sarah Green (Oxford), 'The Meaning of Money'
Steve Hedley (Cork), 'The Unacknowledged Revolution? From Individual to Collective Liability in Negligence'
Neil Jones (Cambridge), 'No Magic in Words? Aspects of the Transition from Uses to Trusts'
Gregory C Keating (USC Gould), 'Products Liability As Enterprise Liability'
Rosemary Langford (Melbourne), 'The Proscriptive Fiduciary Revolution -- Insights from Directors' Duties'
James Lee (KCL), 'Constructing 'Context' in Equity: Revolution or Restoration? (with Man Yip)
Pey-Woan Lee (SMU), 'Understanding Civil Conspiracy'
Rachel Leow (Cambridge), 'A Misguided Revolution in Vicarious Liability?'
Nick McBride (Cambridge), 'Restitution and Unjust Enrichment: The Coming Counter-Revolution'
Joanna McCunn (Cambridge), 'Revolutions in Contractual Interpretation: A Historical Perspective'
Ben McFarlane (UCL), 'Evaluating the Value Revolution'
Mitchell McInnes (Alberta), Panel Discussion on Goff and Jones' The Law of Restitution
Claire McIvor (Birmingham), 'Revolutionary Thinking and the Erosion of Legal Principle: The Tort Law Examples of Vicarious Liability and Accessory Liability'
David McLauchlan (Victoria Univ of Wellington), 'The ICS Principles: A Failed Revolution in Contract Interpretation?'
John Mee (Cork),'Revolution or Civil War?: The Resulting Trust versus the Common Intention Constructive Trust'
Jonathan Morgan (Cambridge), 'Down with Frustration'
Franziska Myburgh (Stellenbosch), 'Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Paradigm Shifts and Crises: Analysing Recent Changes in the Approach to Contractual Interpretation in South African Law'
Jason Neyers (Western Ontario), 'The Coming Revolution in the Tort of Public Nuisance?'
Donal Nolan (Oxford), 'Private Law Scholarship and Empirical Methods: Contributory Negligence in the 21st Century' (with James Goudkamp)
Janet O'Sullivan (Cambridge), 'Foresight, Fault and Intuition in Negligence: Why Reasonable Foreseeability has had its Day'
Jessica Palmer (Otago), 'A Revolution in Trust Law – The Legacy of the Discretionary Trust' (with Charles Rickett)
Jeannie Paterson (Melbourne), 'Remedies under Consumer Protection Statutes: Revolution and Evolution?' (with Elise Bant)
James Plunkett (Oxford), 'Duty Methodologies in Australia, Canada and the UK'
Charles Rickett (Auckland UT), 'A Revolution in Trust Law – The Legacy of the Discretionary Trust' (with Jessica Palmer)
Pauline Ridge (ANU), 'Modern Equity: Revolution or Renewal from Within?'
Andrew Robertson (Melbourne), 'Equitable Estoppel Revolutions'
Craig Rotherham (Nottingham), 'The Classification of Release-Fee Damages and the Structure of Revolutions in Legal Taxonomy'
Geoffrey Samuel (Kent), 'Have There Been Scientific Revolutions in Law?'
Helen Scott (Cape Town), Panel Discussion on Goff and Jones' The Law of Restitution
Kenneth W Simons (California Irvine), 'The Hegemony of the Reasonable Person in Anglo-American Tort Law'
Stephen A Smith (McGill), 'From Remedies to Rights'
Sandy Steel (Oxford), 'The Continuity Thesis: Revolutions and Revisions'
Robert Stevens (Oxford), 'The Equitable Estoppel Disaster'
Andreas Televantos (Cambridge), 'There and Back Again: Losing the Fiduciary Requirement for Equitable Tracing'
Stelios Tofaris (Cambridge), 'Codifying Private Law: A Common Law Revolution?'
Peter Turner (Cambridge), 'Recovering the Equitable Doctrine of Relief against Forfeiture'
Jason Varuhas (Melbourne), 'The Socialisation of Private Law'
Prue Vines (UNSW), Taking Common Law Concepts Seriously: Changing the Paradigm in Private Law Thinking in Response to the Statutory 'Revolution' in Private Law'
Graham Virgo (Cambridge), 'The Illegality Revolution'
Stephen Waddams (Toronto), 'Revolutions in the Classification of Obligations'
Charlie Webb (LSE), 'Fact and Value in Common Law Adjudication'
Hanna Wilberg (Auckland), 'Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Negligence Liability for Public Authority Exercises of Statutory Discretion: A Partial Evaluation'
Frederick Wilmot-Smith (Oxford), 'The Death of Private Law'
Sarah Worthington (Cambridge), 'Revolutionary Breakthroughs in Personal Property Law'
Richard Wright and KarenVaysman (Chicago Kent), 'The Quiet Revolution: Res Ipsa Loquitur and the Standards of Persuasion' (with Karen Vaysman)
Man Yip (SMU), 'Constructing 'Context' in Equity: Revolution or Restoration?' (with James Lee)
Benjamin C Zipursky (Fordham), 'MacPherson at 100' (with John Goldberg)